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Kinky Go - Gimme the love Ok1wr4



 Kinky Go - Gimme the love

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3 participantes
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Mensajes : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 19/07/2011

Kinky Go - Gimme the love Empty
MensajeTema: Kinky Go - Gimme the love   Kinky Go - Gimme the love I_icon_minitimeMiér 28 Sep 2011, 9:25 pm


Gimme the love
Kinky Go

Gi-gi-gi-gimme the love
The love, the love, the love

Gi-gi-gi-gimme the l-l-l-l-love
Gi-gi-gimme the love
Gimme the love

Gi-gi-gimme the love
Gi-gi-gimme the love
Gimme, gimme
Gimme the love

No baby, don't say it
Tell me we're not through
No baby, don't do it
I'm a fool for you

I know, baby
It's not a secret
You found a brand new friend
No baby, say nothing
Take us to pretend

Ev'ry time you touch me, baby
Then I can't get away
You know the feeling inside is coming
Give me another day

You know it
There's nothing
That I wouldn't do
So don't know it, don't love him
I’m still in love for you
You'll never be lonely
If you believe in me
And forever what a dolly
Take a ride and see

Ev'ry minute to meet me, baby
Mmmh, seems like a day
You know the fire inside is burning
You know I can't get away
Can't get away

Gimme the love
Gimme the love
Gimme the love, my dear
Gimme the love
Gimme the love
Baby, don't make me plead

Tell me you’ll never tell me no
Tell me you’ll never let me go
Tell me you still right through of me
Gimme me the love, my dear

Gimme the love
Gimme the love
Gimme the love, my dear
Gimme the love
Gimme the love
Baby, don't make me plead

Tell me you’ll never: tell me no
Tell me you’ll never: let me go
Tell me you still right through of me
Gimme me the love, my dear

Gimme the love, gi-gi


Gimme the love
Gimme, gi-gi-gi
Gimme, gimme
[Gimme, gimme]


Gimme the love
Gimme the love
Gimme the love

Gimme me the…, gimme the…
Gimme me the…, gimme…

Gimme the love-love

Love [Gi-gi-gi-gi-gi-gi]
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Mensajes : 58
Fecha de inscripción : 09/05/2011

Kinky Go - Gimme the love Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Kinky Go - Gimme the love   Kinky Go - Gimme the love I_icon_minitimeJue 29 Sep 2011, 12:22 pm

Grandioso cotizado amigo tyger, gracias por este tema, de los mas buscados y efectivos.

Mercy (gracias?)


Faraonico hasta las cachas...!!! Bueno,,, solo hasta el `97!!!
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Nuevo Usurio

Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 03/05/2013

Kinky Go - Gimme the love Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Kinky Go - Gimme the love   Kinky Go - Gimme the love I_icon_minitimeVie 03 Mayo 2013, 1:23 pm

Increíble 18 años buscando esta letra y por fin muchas gracias
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Nuevo Usurio

Mensajes : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 19/07/2011

Kinky Go - Gimme the love Empty
MensajeTema: Re: Kinky Go - Gimme the love   Kinky Go - Gimme the love I_icon_minitimeSáb 04 Mayo 2013, 3:58 pm

De nada amigo Romeo. Es un palcer compartir.
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MensajeTema: Re: Kinky Go - Gimme the love   Kinky Go - Gimme the love I_icon_minitime

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