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Le CLick - Tonight is the night Ok1wr4



 Le CLick - Tonight is the night

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Mensajes : 18
Fecha de inscripción : 19/07/2011

Le CLick - Tonight is the night Empty
MensajeTema: Le CLick - Tonight is the night   Le CLick - Tonight is the night I_icon_minitimeDom 07 Ago 2011, 12:38 am

Tonight is the night
Le Click

Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Forever and ever is never enough
Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Together forever I can't get enough

Come with it, man
Hold me, hold me
You squeeze me, squeeze me
Yes come and rid the lovin’ cause you know it’s not easy
Hold me, hold me, yes nobody love me
Yes come and rid the music come receive the pardon
Yes run come give me love and come-a, give it to me
By the way you give me loving, give me, physically
And anything we do it, do it, naturally
Say: come again we do it till we receive the pardon

Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Forever and ever is never enough
Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Together forever I can't get enough
Oooh, give me tonight for love
Oooh, give me tonight for love
Too much is not enough

Come down with it mon, mu-huh, stor pah-to
Now, that you got my love and together we can make it
Don’t anybody try to stop it, people try to break it
[Uh, huh]
Come quit the fights I meant to keep peace and harmony
[I like that]
Your love is what I want unless you give it to me
Yes, a-da-heh, a-da-heh, come quit the fights don’t stop it
A-da-heh, a-da-heh, yes my love I've got to
A-da come with a disc come make me stop me find me go
Say come baby girl, your gonna hear how we flow take me with your love
[Oh no]

Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Forever and ever is never enough
Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Together forever I can't get enough

Oooh, give me tonight for love
I just can't get enough
Oooh, give me tonight for love
Too much is not enough

Ay-ee-ay-ee-ay, I just can't get enough
Ay-ee-ay-ee-ay, I just can't get enough
Ay-ee-ay-ee-ay, I just can't get enough
Ay-ee-ay-ee-ay, I just can't get enough

Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Forever and ever is never enough
Tonight is the night, is the night of love
Together forever I can't get enough
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Le CLick - Tonight is the night
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